Depression Category

Depression is a kind of disease which impact the brain. This can be caused by the suffer feeling. Someone who experiences depression will imagine irrational that may be other people think it is as craziness. But depression is not only about the feeling down. It can be categorized as the serious illness due to the change of the brain chemistry. There are many kinds of factors that can lead you to the depression. One is the genetic factor.

Depression are caused by the changes of the hormone level, stress, and certain kind of medical treatment. There are the combinations of the precipitate that can change the brain chemistry leading to many symptoms. Depression is indeed the serious illness that must be treated. According to WHO or world health organization, depression is one kind of the most disable disorder in the world. It can give the bad impact for five women and one man in the lifetime.

The depression symptom comes to people without any kinds of discrimination. Both men and women can experience this kind of disease. This depression does not discriminate the different of age, educational level, economics and social background. For the impact of depression, there is no part of the life that will be missed by depression.

There are many aspects that can be the ways of depression as like marriage, parenting, careers, finances, business, friendships and many other aspects that can cause the depression. It is important for you to take care of your healthy body and mind from depression. This disease will be more dangerous if it is combined by other illness such as diabetes, stroke, and the other related disorder as like anxiety and substance abuse that may harm your brain and logical thought. Below are articles about depression category: